U gal ombatha size 11

Hamba uyoba ngu goal keeper dear

Entlek why do we have to pay on a Taxi
cause it’s going where we are going too..
Why bangasiphi iLift nje once

Uma kungathiwa uyavalwa uFacebook kusasa, ngingaqhubeka ngibhale ama-post ami bese ngiwanamathisela ezitolo nasematekisini. ✋🏽

*Quote of the Day! *

Abazali bafuna uphumelele not uphume belele

Winter e fihlile
Motho O tswa a yo reka Airtime a boya a le

Uzwe voice kamama wakho esesangweni usenza ama-fries 🍟 ka-R60. 😭

Udlule ngakubo ka boyfriend yakho ubone I boyfriend yakho iyongena namapleti amabili endlin yayo iqimbile

Woza kubantu abamnyama yonke into iwumshini

White : washing machine
Black : umshini

White : pencil shapner
Black : umshini

White : hair cuter
Black : umshini

White : nice car
Black : umshini

White : grass cuter
Black : umshini

White : nail clip
Black : umshini


Knock on the door 🚪

Me:ke mang
Ke Johanna
Me:14 or mokolobetsi?