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One day Sardar went to a shop.
Let him go.
You do ur job.
Always dont expect jokes on him.

Santa’s Wife faints. He phones for ambulance.
“Eucalyptus rd”
“Spell it please” .
“I’ll drag her to Oak rd can u pick her up there?”

Santa (reading from book of facts): “Do you know that every time I breathe a man dies?”
Banta: “Why don’t you use a mouth wash?”

Banta: Why is the Police nicknamed “The heart of the country”?
Santa: It beats, beats, beats.

Y did Santa throw the butter out of the window?
A: He wanted to see butterfly!

How did santa tried 2 kill a bird?
He took it 2 d top of a buildng & dropped it!

I-m sure you were born in this world as a cute baby.
Now that you-re a grown-up, I have one question….. What happened……

After drinking,men gain weight,
talk unnecessarily,
Become extra emotional,
Stop thinkin, start fightin over nothin 😉

Can you tell me the name of person with bad habit of speaking loudly when others are sleeping so as to disturb their sleep..
Ans: College Lecturer.