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Did you know?…
If you send to a girl cash for transport to come over but she decides not come over and does not refund that money…
You can refer to Section 492(i) of the Criminal Procedure Act & file a case of theft under false pretence, & she can be jailed for up to 7 years?

Drugs For Husbands!
This really cracked my ribs …..
New drugs for men created by women scientists are waiting for NAFDAC approval…😔
ANIVERSIA: the drugs Triggers memories for birthdays and anniversaries…
SLIMOXIL: this one widens male cornea making wives always appear slim…
SPORTOBLIND X: Reacts with optic nerve to prevent men from recognizing the word “Sports” on DSTV…
WORKOCETAMOL: Generates an insatiable desire in men to do household chores…
SHOPHOFOBEX: Makes men eager to take wives for shopping every week and wait patiently…
FLIRTONATE-N: It reduces vision whenever a pretty woman passes by.
VERYTASTYMYCIN : Induces husbands to always praise wife’s cooking….no matter how it tastes…!
Don’t just laugh alone but share with our femalefolks who need to laugh and men who must be aware before they fall victim

Hello guys
Anyone single here?
If yes please whatsapp me your details.
Am selling a single bed.
Thank you

They say milk gives strength.
I drank 4 cups of milk yet I wasn’t able to move a wall.
But when I drank 4 bottles of beer ,
I saw walls moving by themselves.
These scientists are bloody liars!!!

My room mate just came back with her boyfriend,
they have been staring at me for the past 4 hours,
they think I will go outside to give them privacy.
I cannot support evil…

In Africa we don’t need CCTV cameras,
the neighbours are enough .
if you think i’m lying bring your girlfriend at home
when your wife is not around and see

That moment when u visit your
rich relative in the surburbs,
then his wife serves u 2 slices of
bread,1 egg and a small cup of tea.Then the
children come to u and ask “uncle,so u will
finish all these?”
In yo heart u will be like “Fotseki,i finish the
whole loaf alone,now whats this?”🍞

I have returned my wife back to her home village……………
Last week on Saturday i bought KFC bucket and she boiled the chicken and put onions and tomatoes and i kept quiet..
Then on Monday i brought Pizza and boom she put margarine/ butter and peanut butter and she gave me for breakfast….
yesterday i forgot my phone at home and i found 93 missed calls from her and i asked her why did she phone me.
She said she was trying to tell me that i forgot the phone at home….so i sent her back home..

To my unborn kids Daddy is not the one delaying ,
Its Mummy she is still busy following guys on Facebook

Daughter: Daddy can I go to my friend place to do my homework?
Dad: sit down.. Your Mom use to say the same thing when she want to come to me!!