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Grade 12 students
Don’t throw Those t-shirts/Trousers away
You might be a security Guard next year

Zimbabwe is the only Country in the World
where the Police were locked up
and crime went down ,
just shows who the criminals really are

That moment when having a good laugh
with your crush then your nose
decides to make a balloon

*Time*: *3Hrs 30MINS*
*1.* You are a married man and you have
dated somebody’s wife for *two* years, busy
spending on her like there is no tomorrow.
eventually she drops you and concentrates on
her innocent husband. Calculate the
percentage of time wasted. *(20 marks)*
*2.* You bought a phone for your friend’s wife
and she gave it to her husband. Using
trigonometric identities, derive a general
formula for this type of love. *(20 marks)*
*3. For Men* You’re dating around 15 ladies
and every lady is demanding for a Samsung
Galaxy and an iPhone 6s
*(a)* Plot a graph of detoothers against prices
of phones. *(15marks)*
*(b)* Use your graph to estimate your future
poverty *(5marks)*
*(c)* Plot the percentage shame against
volume of apologies to your family members.
*(5 Mks)*
*4.* You are whatsapping and facebooking
other people’s wives yet you don’t want to see
your wife on the social network. Calculate the
Percentage Error in your thinking capacity. *
(20 marks)*
*5.* You are a *civil servant*, your wife is a
petty trader, your combined household income
is less than N1,000,000. Your daughter who is
awaiting *WASSCE* result is using iPhone 6s
and Samsung Galaxy worth N700,000 each.
Calculate the Percentage of your Parental
Negligence. *(20 marks)*
*6. *For ladies* You’re a married woman and
you have dated 20 guys with hard labour, use
the law of diminishing Return to calculate the
substance that will be left for your husband to
enjoy. *(20 marks)*
*7.* You can’t give your wife N10,000 for a
pot of soup, but you spend over N50,000 in
bars and restaurant.
Calculate the radius of your ‘stupidity’, take
π=3.142 *(20 marks)*
8.* You have been in the church and in your
fellowship for years but your name is not in
the book of LIFE because of the secret sin.
Calculate the years you will spend in HELL? *
(30 mark)*
Your Time Starts Now. But remember to share
to all your friends because the question
papers are not many to go round

There are 2 thoughts in a girl’s mind
when they want to visit a guy for the first time.
“I will not have sex with him” &
“let me shave, just in case”

BOY :Do you have a boyfriend
GIRL :No i don’t want a boyfriend
BOY :Genesis 2:18.The Lord said it is not good for the man to be alone. I will make helper suitable for him.
GIRL :But i don’t love you
BOY:1John 4:8 whoever does not love does not know God because God is love.
GIRL :so how do i discern that your words are true.
BOY:Matthew 12 :34. for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.
GIRL :but how can be i sure that you are faithful and honest .
BOY :Mark 13 :31 .heaven and earth will pass away.
GIRL :But why me .there are so many girls out there .
BOY :Proverbs 31 :29. Many women do noble things surpass them all.
GIRL :what do you see in me that make you love me,?
BOY:Song of Solomon 4:7 .you are altogether beautiful my darling, there is no flaw in you.
GIRL :but really I’m not beautiful your exaggerating.
BOY :Proverbs 31 :30, charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
GIRL :what will happen if i say yes
BOY :Genesis 2 :24. That is why a man leaves his father and mother and united to his wife and become one flesh.
GIRL :How is that you know so many scriptures.
BOY :Joshua 1 :8, keep this book of law on your lips mediate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it
GIRL: _______?

Define A True Music Lover?
A Girl Singing In The Bathroom
While Taking The Bath And
Boy Near Keyhole Is Using His Ear Not Eyes

”The Most beautiful things in life are not things….
They’re people, and places, memories and pictures.
They’re feelings and moments and smiles and laughter”

5 ways for man to be completely happy.
1. Be with a woman who makes you laugh
2. Be with a woman who gives you her time
3. Be with a woman who takes care of you
4. Be with a woman who really loves you
5. Finally, make sure these four women don’t know each other!

A forced love will never last.
Never beg to be loved.
Never beg for attention