Sub Categories

Teacher: Asibhaleni izifo esizaziyo

Thoko: HIV
Sizwe :Malaria
Buhle :Typhoid
Fortune : /

Teacher:Kant Fortune ibizwa kuthwa yini lee oyibhale lana?

Fortune:Kant istroke awusaz

Its only in Africa where
You’ll find a:
Thief named “Innocent”
Prostitute named “Chastity”
Poor man named “Rich”

Her: babe I’m pregnant
capital: how could you change your name without telling me?
Her: babe I’m pregnant serious :
Capital: you even changed your surname

If a person sits down on a chair then tell jokes infront of an audience

Is it still called Stand-up comedy??

[After fetching my school report]
Ronnie : “dad i have some great news”

Dad : “what son?

Ronnie : “remember that E200 that u promised to give me once i pass?

Dad : “yes my son”

Ronnie : “well!, you can keep it”

Since I was born, I have never lived a year without Robert Mugabe being the President of Zimbabwe. 2018 is not real
Can someone tell me this is a joke

Yesterday i dreamt eating 2kg of marshmallows,
Today when I woke up i noticed that my pillow is missing.