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Don’t be jealous when God is blessing your neighbour.
It means he is in the neighbourhood.

So today I hugged a Xhosa girl immediately I received a bank notification that R125,00 has been deducted from my account

In a “Mental Hospital” of 38 patient’s, a journalist asks the Doctor: How do you determine whether to admit a mental patient or not to?

Dr: “Well, we fill a bathtub with water and then give the patient;
(a). a teaspoon,
(b). a glass,
(c). a bucket,
and ask them to empty the bathtub.”

Journalist: “Oh, obviously a normal person would use the bucket because its bigger.”

Dr: “No, a normal person would pull the drain plug! Please go to bed No.39.
We will start further investigations on you!”

Maybe i should Pretend to be gay so that
my crush can bath in front of me.

Sengicabanga uk’Dayisa Ngomzimba
R30 For 3 Hours uBase Khona Bo Girls, Anyone Interested ???
Inbox me Asap Niyeke uk’Lamba ngikhona

Melo Mthokozisi Shelemba>
Yazi niganga kabi nina
Labey’hlahla zo BANANA
Nicabanga ukuth asazi yin ethanda ubanana?
Futhi ledla lo Banana?

Best Message of Life :
Your Smileis a signature of God on your Face,
Do not allow it to be washed away by your tears
or erased by your anger

Love begins in a moment, grows over time,
and lasts for eternity.