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Jamaican man was making love to his wife for the 1st time.He suddenly screamed ‘jah bles’ and ran out of the room & came back with a bucket of water & poured t on his wife’s private parts.*
*The frightened wife shouted ‘watagwan wat u rasta man do dat 4?’ the man answered,* *bomboclat woman dis ting too sweet me gwan dilute it, remember me diabetic sweet tings nah good fi mi rastaman……..

Sex on the Sabbath*

A man wonders if having *sex* on the *Sabbath* is a sin b’cos he is not sure if sex is *work* or *play.* So he goes to a *priest* & asks for his opinion on this question. After consulting the *Bible,* the *priest* says, “My son, after an exhaustive search, I am positive that *sex* is *work* & is therefore not permitted on *Sabbath.”*

The man thinks: “What does a *priest* know about *sex?”* So he goes to a *minister* who, after all, is a married man & experienced in this matter. He queries the *minister* & receives the same reply. *Sex* is *work* & therefore not for the *Sabbath!*

Not pleased with the reply, he seeks out a *Rabbi,* a man of thousands of years tradition & knowledge. The *Rabbi* ponders the question, then states, “My son, *sex* is definitely *play.”*

The man replies, *”Rabbi,* how can u be so sure when so many others tell me *sex* is *work?”*

The *Rabbi* softly speaks, “My son, if *sex* were *work,* *wives* would definitely make their *maids* do it for them.

Girl: Will you pick me up if I ever fell down??

Boy: No..

Girl: Would you wipe away the tears when I’m sad..:(…?

Boy: Never..

Girl: Will you still love me when I look my worst?

Boy: Nope..

Girl: At least you’re honest …..:(((

Boy: I wouldn’t pick you up if you fell because I would catch you before you even hit the ground….♥

I wouldn’t wipe away your tears because I’ll make sure there’s nothing for you to ever be sad about….♥

I wouldn’t love you when you look your worst because that’s

You always look you’re best,
even when you think you don’t….. ♥

I love you more than anything,


1. You had a haircut and they ask
“Did you cut your hair??
“No, I dyed my hair colorless”

2. You standing right in front of the elevator on
the ground floor and they ask
“Are you going up??”
“No I’m waiting for my apartment to come get me”

3. You on the queue to buy tickets at the cinemas and a friend sees you and asks
“What are you doing here??”
“I’m here to pay my school fees”

4. When a friend calls you on your landline
they ask “Where are you??”
“I’m at the bus stop”

5. When it’s raining and one notices you are going out they ask
“Are you going out in this rain??”
“No Im going in the next one”

6. When people see you lying down with your eyes closed and they ask
“Are you sleeping??”
“No I’m trying to die”

7.Nxa usuqedile ukuhleka add more….

A woman is at home when she hears someone knock at the door.

She goes to the door and opens the door to see a man standing there.

He asks the lady,
‘Do you have a vagina?’
She slams the door in disgust.

The next morning she hears a knock at the door and it is the same man and he asks the same question of the woman,
‘Do you have a vagina?’
She slams the door again.

Later that night when her husband gets home she tells him what has happened for the last two days.

The husband tells the wife in a loving and concerned voice,
‘Honey, I am taking tomorrow off to be home just in case this guy shows up again.’

The next morning they hear a knock and both run for the door. The husband says to the wife in a whispered voice,
‘Honey, I’m going to hide behind the door and listen and if it is the same guy I want you to answer yes to the question because I want to see where the bastard is going with it.’

She nods yes to her husband and opens the door.

Sure enough the same fellow is standing there and asks the same question;
‘Do you have vagina’?
‘Yes, actually I have one,’ she says.

The man replies..
‘Good! Would you mind telling your husband to leave my wife’s alone and start using yours?’

#husband fainted#

Great timeless Sentences:

1. Shakespeare :
“Never Play With The Feelings Of
Others Because You May Win The
Game But The Risk Is That You Will
Surely Lose The Person For A Life
2. Napoleon :
“The world suffers a lot. Not
because of the
violence of bad people, But
because of the silence of good
3. Einstein :
“I am thankful to all those who
said NO to me It’s because of
them I did it myself..!!”
4. Abraham Lincoln :
“If friendship is your weakest
point then you are the strongest
person in the world”.
5. Shakespeare :
“Laughing Faces Do Not Mean
That There Is Absence Of Sorrow!
But It Means That They Have The
Ability To
Deal With It”.
6. William Arthur :
“Opportunities Are Like Sunrises,
If You Wait Too Long You Can Miss
7. Hitler :
“When You Are In The Light,
Everything Follows You,
But When You Enter Into The Dark,
Even Your Own Shadow Doesn’t
Follow You.”
8. Shakespeare :
“Coin Always Makes Sound But
The Currency Notes Are Always
So When Your Value Increases
Keep Yourself Calm and Silent”
9. Night Nurse :
“It Is Very Easy To Defeat
But It Is Very Hard To Win

Which one is the best? Comment with number only

God will make a way for you,..
Yes YOU the one reading this,
He will get you that job
He will heal that sickness
He will promote you
He will lift you up He will expand your business
He will defeat your enemies
He will create the opportunity
and seal the deal God will make that way
Glory to God !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!! *If you believe it,
click LIKE and
comment “AMEN”

UMkhize noMaDlamini bashadile balele
uMaDlamini aphuphe aze aphumisele athi ”Vuka! Vuka! Vuka! Indoda yami isiyabuya isendleleni.” uMkhize avuke aphume ngewindi uma esephandle ubuye umqondo ukuth ukwakhe…
Ubani oCheatayo phakathi kwalaba bobabili?

These are some proverbs in African Nations.
1. The anger of a penis doesn’t destroy the vagina.
2. There’s no virgin in a maternity ward. (Cameroon)
3. A child can play with it’s mother’s breasts but not with
the father’s testicles. (Ghana)
4. The man who marries a beautiful woman and the farmer
who grows corns by the road side have the same problem.
5. When you see a woman sitting with her legs open, never
tell her to close them, because you do not know her
source of fresh air. (Ethiopia)
6. He who says that nothing lasts forever has never tried
Hausa perfume.(Nigeria)
7. The only woman who knows where her man is every
night is a widow. [Togo]
8. An erected penis has no conscience. (Uganda)
9. If you go to sleep with an itching anus, you are sure to
wake up with smelly fingers. (Kenya)
10. The day a mosquito lands on your testicles is the day
you will know there is a better way of resolving issues
without using violence.(Kenya)

*Ibambe kuhle*

Boy – l luv u girl

Gal- awula girlfriend yini

Boy -ngilaye kodwa ngifuna wena

Gal- akwenzi ngabe ubungela nkazana

Boy- wena wake wahamba ukuyathenga impahla unqunu

Gal- Fainted