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You are dating a DJ
And you expect him not
To cheat,?
Someone that mix three songs
At the same time?
U need prayers my sister

Women who fall in love with rich married men or only date men who drive nice cars must never criticize prostitutes; they are in the same profession. The only difference is that they work in the private sector while prostitutes are in the public sector!

Man was updating his FB status when he received a kol 4m da police: “Sir, yo wife has died in a car crash, we need u to come and identify the body”. Man: “Im very busy ryt now, can you take a picture of her, tag me. If its her i will press LIKE”

Abantu bayathanda ukubuza ibhasi libhaliwe
1. Akubuze ukuthi uyapheka yini abe ekubona ubonda imbiza,
wothi cha ngishintsha umntwana inabukeni.

2. Nificana ka Edgars akubuze ukuthi ubuzokwenzani,
wothi ubuzobheka amathayi emoto uzwe kuthiwa kune discount.

3. Afone phakathi nobusuku akubuze ukuthi ulele yini ,
othi no no no nginisela ingadi.

4. Akubuze ukuthi ugqokeni ebusuku,
wothi iRain coat.

5. Itax ibiza uR8 wena ukhiphe uR10 akubuze ukuthi nibangaki ,
wothi iback seat yonke.

6. Akufice etown kade ninaye erank akubuze ukuthi kanti nawe ubuza la, wothi cha empeleni ngiya ezulwini angazi ngfunani lana.

7. Ukufica eclubbini kodwa uzokbuza ukuthi uyaphila yini
wothi chaa ngibalekile emotshari ngiyabuyela

8. Ufake ijacket akubuze ukuthi uyagodola yini
wothi cha ngenzela ukundiza kahle.

9. Usemsebenzini akubuze ukuthi uyasebenza yini
wothi cha ngisheva intshebe

10. Uyadla akubuze ukuthi ulambile yini
w othi cha uyapakisha nje just incase.

11. Akufice eKFC udla akubuze uzodla inyama nawe la?
Wothi cha ngzogunda utshani.

12. Ufake ijoyini yesonto akubuze ukuthi kanti nawe uyasonta
wothi cha sigqoka kanje masiyogida iskokotsha

13. Ufake i uniform akubuze ukuthi kanti nawe uyafunda,
wothi cha ngiwuthisha

Boyze:Baba yini ikaka yenkomo ?
Baba: yibulongwe fanami.
Boyze: Baba yini eyenkukhu?
Baba: Yibudoriro mntanami !
Boyze: eyembuzi yona?
Baba: Zingqathayi fana wami.
Boyze: Ngubani uMongameli waseCongo ?
Baba: Yho hayi angimazi .
Boyze: Owase Germany yena ngubani?
Baba: Naye angimazi ngitsho nix nix .
Boyze: Kanti Baba ngabe kukhona okunye okwaziyo ngaphandle kothuvi ,ngoba ngathi uqhaphele ukunya nje kuphela

How Can I Transfer Money that is in my mind to my bank account

Jack’s marriage has gotten a bit dull, so he asks a friend if he has any ideas on how to add some excitement back to the marriage. “Well,” his friend says, “you can always have an affair.” “I can’t do that! I will always be faithful to her.” the troubled man replies. “If you convince her to let you do it, and then it won’t be cheating.” The man agrees to give it a try. The next time his wife seems to be in a very good mood he shares the idea with her that a new partner would add excitement. “Honey,” his wife says, “that won’t help our marriage. Believe me, I already tried it.”

relationships nowadays

Boy : Baby are you coming at my place tonight or ngifonele uLinhle ?

Girl : call her baby , ngizolala kuSizwe uholile izolo

Teacher : “Who is the president of South Africa?”
Children : “Shaka Zulu.”
Teacher : “Correct, and the minister off defence?”
Children : “Benny McCArthy.”
Teacher : “Correct, what is the capital city of South Africa?”
Children : “Nkandla.”
Teacher : “Very good,
and who composed the national anthem?”
Children : “Black coffee and Dj Tira.”
Teacher : “Excellent, what do you call people from Moscow?”
Children : “Mosquitoes.”
Teacher : “Perfect, how much is 2 + 5?”
Children : “25”
Teacher : “That’s great, you’re going to be stupid like this until your government increases my salary!”