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A real relationship must have simple
fights, trust, faith, tears, and genuine
laughter. Jealous, Communication,
patience, weird/stupid unnecessary
arguments; no hiding secrets, true
love and most importantly there must be
forgiveness on both sides.
No one is perfect on earth, we all
make mistakes in our relationships but the
best solution is to accept your mistakes
and say SORRY to your loved one. It’s a small
word but it means a lot. Many of us find it
so hard to say it out yet it costs
nothing, but it only eases the tension
lovers. Say it from deep inside your heart.
Don’t fake it please but just mean it
always. And if he/she is the one in wrong
never get tired of forgiving him/her
depending on what they have done. If you
get to
think of moving on because you’re
pissed, my dear think of where you’re going,
the, time you will take to find & fit in a
new relationship, The imperfectness you
will find with that new lover might be
incomparable to the one you
dumped, then you will start regretting and
wishing you never dumped her/him.
Think about it my dear friends having
it in minds that WE HAVE GOT NO ANGELS
ON EARTH. We’re the ones to transform
our BFs /GFs to be like angels
So be proud of the one you have got
and fight all the challenges that are
trying to tear you apart. Right now you may
seeing your guy/girl as a fake person
but some dude/girl is somewhere seeing
him as a handsome king/beautiful queen.
They’re wishing and praying you fall
apart for them to replace you.

95 year old man: ‘Doc, my 18yr-old wife is
pregnant, whats yo opinion?’ Doc: ‘Let me
tel u a story. A hunter, in a hury grabed an
umbrela instead of his gun and went into
the jungle. He saw a lion, pointed the
umbrela the lion and pulled the handle.
BANG!! The lion fell to the ground and
died!’ Old man: ‘No ways! Some1 must
have shot the lion for him!’

Being single for a long period of time is
dangerous. Once you see how peaceful it
is, you don’t even wanna deal with people.

When your family finally accepts that you
are a whore
They will be like
”Please bring pizza when you’re back

*Overheard This Weekend*
Boy: Babe come over to my place
Gal: what do you want us to do?
Boy: Jus chill
Gal: I don’t chill…that’s how people end up
with chill-dren!

A real wife stay awake the whole night to
make sure that Mosquitoes doesn’t bite her Husband

Dear Nursing students
In which year of study are you taught to be angry,
rude,Impatient and having attitudes?

I once smoked weed and I got into a huge argument with myself, that day I got death
threats coz I was winning the argument… I’ll never touch the shit again.

My girlfriend switched off her phone when it rang ,
it shows respect I’m proud of her