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If your partner need space buy him/her a 64GB Memory card
so that He/she can have a lot of space and your relationship keep going

Three men were drunk and they stopped a taxi. The taxi driver figured that they were not in their minds so, he just switched on the engine and switched it off and told them: “we have arrived”. The first man gave him money. The second one thanked the taxi driver. The third one slapped him (the taxi driver). The taxi driver was stunned because he was hoping that none of them had realized that the car didnt move an inch, but he faked surprise and asked the third man: “what was that for?”. The drunken man replied: “control your speed next time! you nearly killed us!!!”

Once upon a time there was a women that was about to have triplets. In her stomach the babies were talking to each other. The first baby says “I want to be a plumber, because there is so much water in here”. The second baby says “I want to be an electrician because it is so dark in here”. And the last baby says “I want to be a hunter, because if that damn snake comes back in here im going to cut it off.

Knock Knock…Who’s there ?…Norma Lee!…Norma Lee who ?…
Norma Lee don’t go round knocking on doors !

A: Why are you late? B: There was a man who lost a hundred dollar bill.
A: Thats nice. Were you helping him look for it?
B: No, I was standing on it.

Son: Dad, what does gay means?
Father: It means to be happy.
Son: Are you gay?
Father: No, son. I have a wife.

A businessman returns from the far east. After a few days he notices stange growth on his penis.
He sees several doctors. They all say: “You’ve been screwing around in the Far East, very common there, no cure. We’ll have to cut it off.”
The man panics, but figures if it is common in the East they must know how to cure it. So he goes back and sees a doctor in Thailand.
The doctor examines him and says, “You’ve been fooling around in my country. This is a very common problem here. Did you see any other doctors?”
The man replies, “Yes a few in the USA.”
The doctor says, “I bet they told you it had to be cut off.”
The man answers, “Yes!”
The doctor smiles, nods, “That is not correct. It will fall off by itself.”

Women are like telephones. They love to be held.
They love to be talked to.
But, if you press the wrong button, youre disconnected

Wenzani kulonyaka” kubuza Umntana Womthakathi Uthunywe ngunina.