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An Aeroplane cleaner was cleaning
the pilot’s cockpit when he saw a
book titled, “HOW TO FLY AN
Volume 1

He opened the 1st page which said: “To start the engine,
press the red button..” He did
so, and the airplane engine
started.. He was happy and
opened the next page…: “To get the airplane moving, press the blue button..” He did so and the plane
started moving at an amazing
speed… He wanted to fly, so he
opened the 3rd page which said:
“To let airplane fly, please press
the green button..” He did so and the plane started to fly…He was excited…!!
After 20 minutes of
flying, he was satisfied and
wanted to land so he decided to
go to the 4th page… and page 4
says; “To be able to know how to land a plane, please purchase
Volume 2 at the nearest book shop! ”

He will be buried tomorrow.

never attempt anything without complete information

A woman who hide her phone from her husband is a cheat. The man who hide his phone from his wife is trying to protect the relationship.

Please do not argue with me, I am not feeling well

Teacher: Jack, Go to the map and find North America.

Jack: Here it is

Teacher: Good Jack. Now class who discovered North America?

Class: Jack.

A blind guy visited his choir mistress at home
and found her bathing. since he was blind, she
let him in. After bathing, she came out naked
with her legs spread and started shaving in front
of him and tried to make a conversation by
asking him, brother John, what brings you here?
Is everything OK at home? He replied, yes o, very
fine. I came to tell you that I have done the eye
surgery and I can see very clearly now

I saw someone withdraw cash and then left the ATM without counting the money……
South Africans we are losing our culture now

what is happiness ….
happiness is when ur ex is dating some1 u can draw wit ur left hand

I want to know that New Company called “Not Yet working”
it must be a good paying one because lot of people are working there

I need your advice?.
Last night my side chick called me and asked
me to come over her place for a night, …well
i didn’t hesitate since i had days without
seeing her, i was on my way she asked
me to buy a 2kg of mixed portion which i
did, .i got there around 19:00 then she
immediately took out 4 pieces from the
braaipack and started cooking, ..i was so
excited thinking meaning 2 pieces is for me
and the other 2 is for hers since i was also
hungry, ..we then sat at a couch patiently
waiting for the food to be cooked, …while
we were still waiting she received a call
from her baby daddy telling her his on his
way, .i was so angry and disappointed as
she asked me to leave,but as a gentleman
that i am i didn’t start a fight or anything of
sort, .i just stood up and went straight to
the fridge and took out the remaining half
of the braaipack then went to the stove and
pick up those 4 pieces in the pot and drank
the soup then left, .. so she’s now not taking
my calls No reply to my text and this silence
is eating me inside!.
Was i wrong?

Thailand has the highest number of
Bt vele what else cn u expect when the
country’s name is THIGH LAND,
when the capital is BANG COCK and
a tourist spot is called FUK ET?

I remember back then when I was at Rainbow’s house
and Selimathunzi visited him.

When they opened the fridge they found a vaseline
I was never traumatised like that