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A doctor came across a patient he had valued for years and
saw that he was carrying sleeping pills in his hand, so wanted
to warn him: – Mr. Brown, I see sleeping pills you use, sometimes you may need it, but I want to warn you, those pills are very effective and addictive. The patient laughed and said that: – No, doctor. That’s no true. I’ve been using this medicine for 20 years, the pills have never become addictive!

Mom: I love you son..
Son: I disagree a little but I love you too..
Mom: Why son😢?..
Son: Why give birth to me knowing that I’ll die?

Boy: Mom Why Diamond Was Given The Name “Diamond”😀?
Mom: Because Her Mom Loves Diamonds😊
Boy: Ohh😯 then Why You Game This Name I have?😕
Mom: Shut Up Dickson

My mother-in-law visited me and my wife but coincidentally,that day my wife
was feeling for sex and she did not want to whisper to me since i was busy
sharing stories with her mother. My wife tricked me by pretending she has
headache and went straight to the bedroom. After some minutes, I followed her
leaving her mother in the sitting room. I took some time there, but when I came
back I had forgotten to close my zip.
Mother-in-law: How is she feeling now?
Me: She is now feeling better, I have given her paracetamol.
Mother-in-law: OK, close the pharmacy

If she refuses to take you to her parents
Impregnate her.. Then Relax..
Her parents will bring her to you😂😂😂

Thank me later…..

INSPECTOR : Good afternoon sir, may I see your TV licence?
Thami : I don’t have a TV, that means I don’t have a licence.
INSPECTOR : But I saw an aerial on top of your rooftop?
Thami : Inspector please come in.
(Thami opens the fridge and points to the jar of milk)
Thami : Inspector, what is this?
INSPECTOR : How can you ask me such a silly question, it’s a jar of milk.
Thami : Does that mean I have cows in my yard?!

One word for Thami

Thami was sick😢 & went to the Doctor
Doctor: Do you practise for good health?
Thami: Yes, i play football regularly!
Doctor: How long do u play?
Thami: Until my phone mobile battery runs down

I went 2 see a friend from a very rich family. D maid approached Mε̲̣̣̣̥ & asked.
MAID: What would u lyk to have, fruit juice, yoghurt, tea, chocolate, cappuccino , frapuccino or coffee?
ME: Tea pls.
MAID: Ceylon tea, Indian tea, herbal tea, kericho gold tea,bush tea or green tea?
ME: Ceylon tea pls.
MAID: how do u want it, black or white?
ME: White. …
MAID: Milk or fresh cream?
ME: With milk.
MAID: Goat milk or cow milk?
ME: Cow’s milk.
MAID: Freezeland cow or Afrikaner cow?
ME: Uhm, lemme go with d freezeland cow.
MAID: Would u lyk it with sweetner, sugar or honey?
ME: Sugar.
MAID: Bee sugar or cane sugar?
ME: Cane sugar
MAID: White, brown or yellow sugar?
ME: Abeg, forget abt d tea, jst give me a glass of water…
MAID: Mineral, tap or still water?
ME: Mineral water.
MAID: flavored or non flavored?
ME: Entlek get me an empty glass

A King was about to go to war, he locked his wife (the beautiful Queen😍), in the room & gave the keys to his best friend Thami and said: “If I
am not back within 4 days, open the room and she would be yours.”
He sat on his horse & hit the road. Half an hour later he noticed a dust cloud & sound behind him.
He stops & saw his friend Thami riding very fast towards him.
“What’s wrong ?” King asked.
Out of breath, Thami answered: “Hey King You Gave Me the wrong Key…!! ”
One word for him

Thami was in jail receives a letter from his wife “Dear Thami, I have decided to plant some lettuce in the back garden. When is the best time to plant them??”. Thami knowing that the prison guard read all mails, replies:, “My wife, whatever you do, do not touch the back garden that is where I hid all the money..”.A week or so later, he receives another letter from his wife “Dear husband, you wouldn’t believe what happened, some men came with shovels to the house and dug up the back garden..” Thami writes back: “My wife,those were my servants I sent to prepare the land for you, now is the best time to plant the lettuce.”