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never trust a guy who likes DJ Khaled
because there’s always another one.

Work hard until you get rich to the extent that
when you see a cockroach in your house,
Instead of killing it.You just move out&buy new house..

A letter of Apology for Being Absent at Work for The Whole Week..
Die Boss Am first off all ask you that you are how? And your family is how too?? My latter I right to sorry you for seeing me not there all 7 days. On Monday I work up with a marathon stomach. I tried to col you but didn’t touch the phone, in the afuthanunu I started taking out food with the mouth and it was wessy.
Thank you Boss.
Mogale M.P

I’m Selling A Secondhand Wife With two(2)Kids , Model 1988 , 1Day Guarantee..Price Negotiable Swap And Top Up.. . 88% Off (Hurry up!!!)is available now..
T&C’s Apply.

My wife got stung by a bee on the
She’s at the doctor’s now,
her face all swollen and bruised,
she almost died.
Luckily I was close enough to hit the bee
with my shovel.

Slay Queen said:
If my body is the temple of God who am i
to limit the number of people who want to

Your boyfriend who failed mathematics is complaining
about you having stretch marks.
Tell him that those are the only marks he will get

Why do girls feel embarrassed when the
wig falls?.
Do you think we believed it was your hair

New disease detected when using fingers
for wiping your touch screen phones. It is
known as finger cancer . Everyone is being
encouraged to use a stone when wiping
touch screen phones instead of fingers to
prevent finger cancer. PREVENTION IS
BETTER THAN CURE , Stay healthy. Save a
friend and share

Have you realised that most people
that fall pregnant are FEMALES?