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If you go to a function, and there are many people. suddenly, your wife went to greet her friend, from there you can’t locate her again, don’t stress yourself calling her, just look for another beautiful lady and start talking to her, before you ask of her name your wife will be standing next to you…..

Its another way of saving your phone credit

Umuntu akaliwa, uyamziba nje iminyaka emihlanu then, uqhamuke usuthi
“Sesaxabana yini?”

Three fastest forms of communications:

1. telephone.
2. television.
3. tell-a-woman.

If you want it even faster, tell her not to tell anyone.

Today is 2 March so whatever you do ,do it too much .When you love ,lov 2 March! When you talk ,talk 2 March! When you eat ,eat 2 March! When u drink,drink 2 March! Just do everything too Much ,it only gets 2 much once a year !!!

Koos comes home drunk and his wife is spitting mad and pushes him out of the house. She shouts to him that he is not coming inside when he is this state. Koos climbs into the dog kennel with the dog and falls asleep. The next evening he comes home again roaring drunk and the wife shoos him out of the house and again he climbs into the dog house with the dog. This goes on for 5 days in a row. The 6th evening, he comes home sober and the wife is very happy and allows him back in the house. The following evening Koos arrives home steaming drunk and the wife shoos him out of the house, so he starts to climb into the dog house when the dog bites him. Koos shouts at the dog “what was that for?” the dog replies…. “where were you last night?

I will never lie again.
Today I was coming back from church, in the kombi
there sat a very pretty girl. All the guys in the bus were
staring at her. Some of them passed their destinations
without knowing. As for me, I was very proud of myself because I sat next to her. I did all the signs I could to make her feel my presence
but all in vain. An idea came to my mind. I took my
phone and dialed a fake number as guys always
do to attract girls’ attention.
Me: Hello Sam, I’m calling to tell you that I can’t make it today because I’ve just received a call from our CEO asking me to replace him at
a meeting bcz he is not yet back in tge country. Pls tell my brother to use my Range Rover 2017 to pick my mum from her dentist’. I will be home late. Thanks Sam. I will Sam. Once again, Thanks.
All this while, the girl
was looking at me. I said in my heart that she would fall for me if I spoke to her now ..
Me: Hi baby, y r u looking at me like that? R u surprised?
Girl: Pls pick up your phone battery. It fell when u
were taking your phone out of your pocket…..
I couldn’t raise my head till I got off the kombi Happy new month..

Umzulu ulele ngaphansi kwemoto uyayikhanda
kuvele kuqhamuke umsuthu abingelele
Msuthu : Dumela ntate
Umzulu : soxabana wayidumisa mhlathi

Your boyfriend’s Zambuk container is filled with Vaseline and you think you’re irreplaceable..

Who do you think you are?

That awkward moment when you really want to eat and
then there’s this visitor who is not showing a sign of leaving