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I couldn’t understand why it hurts a lot when you bite your tongue accidentally, but it doesn’t hurt when you bite it intentionally, and what I couldn’t understand most is why you’re biting your tongue right now?

Baba Saxidas Quote on Men

Long Time Ago, Men Who Sacrificed There Love, Youth, Parents, Identity, Laughter & There Hapines Were Called Saints!

Now They Are Called Husband

A Man Got Two Wishes From God.

He Asked For The Best Drink And Best Woman.

The Next Moment He Got Bisleri And Mother Teresa.

Moral: Investment Matters Are Subject To Market Risks.
Please Read The Offer Document Carefully Before Investing.

This Is A Quote From Baba Saxidas Book Titled, How To Live Longer

Never Reject Any Girl In Your Life,

B’coz A Gud Girl Gives You Hapiness,

And A Bad Girl Gives You Experience,

Both Are Essential In Life…

So Enjoy Every Girl.

A Man Had Just Boarded And Settled Into His Seat Next To The Window On The Plane,

When Another Man Sat Down In The Aisle Seat And Put His Black Labrador In The Middle Seat Next To The Man.

The First Man Looked Very Quizzically At The Dog And Asked Why The Dog Was Allowed On The Plane.

The Second Man Explained That He Was From The Police Drugs Enforcement Agency And That The Dog Was A ‘Sniffing Dog’.

His Name Is Sniffer And He’s The Best There Is. I’ll Show You Once We Get Airborne, When I Put Him To Work.

The Plane Took Off, And Once It Has Leveled Out, The Policeman Said: “Watch This”

He Told Sniffer To ‘Search’

Sniffer Jumped Down, Walked Along The Aisle, And Finally Sat Very Purposefully Next To A Woman For Several Seconds.

Sniffer Then Returned To His Seat And Put One Paw On The Policeman’s Arm.

The Policeman Said: “Good Boy”

And He Turned To The Man And Said: “That Woman Is In Possession Of Marijuana, I’m Making A Note Of Her Seat Number And The Authorities Will Apprehend Her When We Land”

The First Man Replied: “Gee, That’s Pretty Good”

Once Again, The Policeman Sent Sniffer To Search The Aisles.

The Lab Sniffed About, Sat Down Beside A Man For A Few Seconds, Returned To Its Seat, And This Time He Placed Two Paws On The Agent’s Arm.

The Policeman Said: “Two Paws Mean That Man Is Carrying Cocaine, So Again, I’m Making A Note Of His Seat Number For The Police”

His Seat Mate Said: “I Like It!”

The Policeman Then Told Sniffer To ‘Search’ Again.

Sniffer Walked Up And Down The Aisles For A Little While, Sat Down For A Moment, And Then Came Racing Back To The Agent, Jumped Into The Middle Seat And Proceeded To Shit All Over The Place.

The First Man Was Really Disgusted By This Behaviour And Couldn’t Figure Out How Or Why A Well-Trained Dog Would Behave Like That So He Asked The Policeman: “What’s Going On?”

The Policeman Nervously Replied: “He’s Just Found A Bomb”

Why American Names Are Like – “Jackson, Wilson, Markson, Robinson, Kenson, Anderson, Davidson, Jemson, Johnson”

Because This Is The Easy Way For Mom To Remember Who Is Whose Son.

Getting Bored?
Need Some Fun In Life?

Go To A Stranger’s Wedding And Scream ……
Don’t Marry I Still Love You.

The Conversation Between Girlfriend And Boyfriend On Phone.

Girlfriend: “Baby, I Am In A Big Trouble.”
Boyfriend: “Why Is That?”

Girlfriend: “I Saw A Mouse In My House.”
Boyfriend: “Oh, Well, All You Need To Do Is Use A Trap.”

Girlfriend: “I Don’t Have A Trap.”
Boyfriend: “Well Then, Buy One.”

Girlfriend: “Can’t Afford One.”
Boyfriend: “I Can Give You Mine If You Want.”

Girlfriend: “That Sounds Good.”
Boyfriend: “All You Need To Do Is Just Use Some Cheese In Order To Make The Mouse Come To The Trap.”

Girlfriend: “I Don’t Have Any Cheese.”
Boyfriend: “Okay Then, Take A Piece Of Bread And Put A Bit Of Oil In It And Put It In The Trap.”

Girlfriend: “I Don’t Have Oil.”
Boyfriend: “Well, Then Put Only A Small Piece Of Bread.”

Girlfriend: “I Don’t Have Bread.”
Boyfriend: “Then What The F#ck Is The Mouse Doing At Your House?”

Rabbits Jump And They Live For 8 Years.

Dogs Run And They Live For 15 Years.

Turtles Do Nothing And They Live For 150 Years.

“Today’s Lesson Learned“

Dear black people. . . .
It’s Police-Station
Not Poly-Station
. . .Say it with me. . .”P-o-l-i-c-e S-t-a-t-i-o-n”