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Ngabe likhona igama lendoda yakho kulawa?
1.Sandile- mawufuna isfebe sendoda abadlulwa yisketi balala ngisho nogogo.
2.Bheki- bathanda ukuzenza obaba banemithetho eminingi.
3.Nathi- uma uyintombazane ethanda izidakwa ayke ufike ekhaya abadakelwa ukuth makube kuhle.
4.Spha- bazenza izinto ezinothando kanti cha banamatotolozi amancane.
5.Sthe- banebhadi lokwaliwa.
6.Sanele- akumanga uhubhu lukabhejane.
7.Ayanda- baqhatha amantombazane.
8.Sya- abazifezi izithembiso bakubambisa udonga olungawi kodwa bayathandeka.
9.Mthobisi- abayikhuphi imali ongoqo.
10.Nkululeko- bazenza izithenjwa kanti nabo bayazibhedela nje.
11.Sbu- amaplayboy okuqala okugcina.
12.Wise- bathanda ukuncengwa.
13.Thobani- bazenza msulwa kanti odoti abafebi kanje ngathi bathi ngibonwa yini.
14.musa- bathanda ucansi bangabamba ngisho uhlanya.
15.Nhlanhla- bathanda ukubhanqa abangani.
16.Xolani- banothando kodwa banebhadi lokufetshelwa.
17.Sboniso- Bazishimele nje qha.
18.Mlungisi- bazenza abaziphethe kahle kanti izishimane.
19.Sbonelo- bazenza abanezintombi kanti baqonywa ilezi ezifebayo.
20.Ntokozo- bazwana nokuziphotha n futhi bagangile kodwa ngeke usho ngendlela ababukeka ngayo
21 Lungelo – banothando olusheshe luphele n izigebengu ezibheke phansi
22. Sakhile akumanga kuyafiwa bathanda utshwala
23.Sipho -babukeka bemsulwa bazenza izinto ezilungile kanti bagangile n abazigcini izethembiso
24 Lindo- bazenza amakholwa kanti bakhohlakele
25. Themba banezinhliziyo ezimbi kodwa bayazifihla
26. Zama banothando oluyiscefe olukhulu
27. Mdu – banothando nd bayatetema benjalo nje.
Its a joke dnt take it personal!!!!!

ubani owakho?

Nyaa was given an assignment to
find out what would happen to a
grasshopper after all its leg as been ripped off.

Nyaa couldn’t do it on his own so he brought the
grasshopper along with him to school.
In the teacher’s presence Nyaa started taking
the legs out one after the other
Nyaa said (after removing the first leg) “Jump!
Grasshopper jump!” the grasshopper jumped
he did this as he removed legs and the grasshopper
kept jumping upon removing the last leg
Nyaa said again “Jump! Grasshopper jump!”
but the grasshopper didn’t move,

the teacher who as been watching the
whole drama then asked Nyaa
“so Nyaa, what happens to a grasshopper
whose legs as been ripped off?”

Nyaa smiled and said “It looses IT’S ABILITY TO HEAR”

A famous inspirational speaker
said; Best years of my life were
spent in the arms of a woman,
who wasn’t my wife.The
Audience was in shock and
silence.He then added: “She was my
mother.”(A big round
of applause and laughter
roared).A very daring husband
tried to crack this at home.
After dinner, he said loudly to
his wife in the kitchen; Best years of my life
were spent in
the arms of a woman, who
wasn’t my wife. Standing for a
moment, trying to recall the
second line of that speaker, by the time he gained his
senses, he was on a hospital bed, recovering from burns
of hot water!
Moral Lesson: Don’t Copy, if you can’t Paste.

A man came home from work and caught his wife having sex with the security guard on a Sofa. His wife was so beautiful and the Security Guard was too trustworthy. Getting no other option, The husband sold the Sofa to avoid such circumstances again.


*Strange things we do in Africa in the name of “It’s Our Culture*

*1. We care more for the dead than we do for the living!*

*2. We spend more to bury a person than we do to save their life.*

*3. We will not travel to go see a sick relative but will travel to bury him /her*

*4. People will rarely respect you while alive but will want to “pay their last respects” to your casket.*

*5. A person may NEVER receive roses in their entire life but they will get lots dumped on their graveyard!*

*6. We will spend a night at a neighbour’s funeral and it will be our first time to see the inside of their house!*

*7. No one gives a damn to know your village until you die and they will all fill car after car to “escort” your corpse*

*8. We will take the dead to the mosque/temple/church knowing fully well they had nothing to do with worship while alive.*

*9. We might not have granite tops in our kitchens but use the granite in the graveyard!*

*10. An entire village might not have a single house with cement floors but the only place with cement will be a graveyard!*

*It is proposed we have “Cultural Reforms”. We have a culture of “hypocrisy”
… a culture that is “Pro-death” and NOT “Pro-life!”*
*We need to value life BEFORE death.*
*Best person ever who came to my heart left with scars but l will never forget that touch* Please love me while I am alive, show me your kindness now that I need it, your presence at my funeral will never make up for your absence when I have the greatest need of you. Do it now than regret later.

*This got me thinking

A beer company was hiring a taster, someone to taste the beers
before selling out. So they placed adverts and one afternoon, a dirty, rough looking man walked into the manager’s office asking to be employed.

The manager tried to figure out how he could drive this man away but couldn’t come up with an idea, so he decided to give the man a trial. He ordered his secretary to give the man a glass of wine. He took a sip and said, “It’s red wine, a muscat, three years old, grown on a north slope, matured in steel containers.”
“That’s correct!” The manager exclaimed, “Well give him another one let’s see.” So he was given. He took a sip again and said, “It’s burukutu, a combination of herbs and apeteshi distilled at Akokoaso near New Abirem in Eastern Region of Ghana 3 years ago” “Incredible!” said the manager.

Now the manager went closer to the secretary and whispered to her saying, “Go get some of your urine in a cup let’s see if he will get that.” So the man was given the cup of urine. He took a sip, turned to the manager and said, “Female urine, 26 years old, 2 weeks pregnant and if I’m not given this job, sir, I will tell your wife who is responsible for the pregnancy!” both the man and the secretary fainted..😁😳✌

Don’t laugh alone put a smile on someone’s face by sending it.

Treat your girlfriend like a tooth brush….*
*Dont let anyone touch or use* *it*, *only you and you alone….*
*Keep it clean and safe…..*
*And please,*

*Remember to change it after every 3 months.*

*Its healthy. Thank you.*

Ladies if you pay rent alone but your man comes over ,walks around naked ,eats all your food.
That’s not a man ,that’s a rat !

Jack’s in the bathroom and His wife shouts to him
“Did you find the shampoo?”
Jack says, “yes but it’s for dry hair and I’ve just wet mine

The wife has done nothing but stare through the bloody window since it started snowing…
If it gets any heavier I might have to let her in