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The simplest way to stay happy is to
let go of everything that makes you sad

MAMA, Thank you…
For being FORGIVING.
For being THE BEST.
And For showing me
GOD, being the greatest.
I love you Mama. Thank you!

Your mother bore you For 9 months ,
She watched her feet Swell, she struggled to Climb stairs,
She got breathless quick, She bore excruciating pain,
She suffered many sleepless Nights,
She became your nurse, your Chef, your teacher, your Cleaner, your launderette your Friend.
She struggled for you, but not Did she see it as a struggle,
Not once did she develop Regrets after all this …
How dare you say even “uff” to her …
I love my mother beyond limits
Do you … ? ? ?

Remember to step out of your comfort zone
and achieve great things
because you are worth it.

There is a special place in hell for people
who act dumb on purpose for attention

I love people who gossip behind my back.
That’s exactly where they belong.
Behind my back.

You will be okay. Just like how you managed to
get past the most painful experiences
you’ve been in before,
this one will pass too.
Don’t forget to take care of yourself
while you heal.
I promise you, you will come back stronger
and better than before after this is all over.

You deserve someone who
makes you fall asleep smiling,
not someone who makes it
hard for you to sleep at night
because you’re crying.

People who are just attracted to you bec. of
your pretty face or nice body won’t
be by your side forever ,
but the people who can see how
beautiful your heart is
will never leave you .