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Ladies repeat after me

“My boyfriend’s money is not my money”

*Virginity Test*
*Son*: _Dad,I want to marry how can I know if my wife is a virgin_?
*Dad*: _Do virginity test_..
*Son*: _What do you mean_
*Dad*: _Buy a red and blue paint_
*Son*: _How can that help_?
*Dad*: _Paint your left ball with the blue paint,and your right ball with the red paint,when you want to have sex_ _remove_
_your underwear_; _If she says_ , _I have never seen_ _strange balls like this in my life_, _that mean she’s not a Virgin_..
_Case closed

If a thermometer uses alcohol and gives accurate readings;
then one must not ignore the opinion of a drunkard.

*Are we together?*

January is the best time to pay lobola .
Right now families will accept anything even a bottle of coke .

Yaz ngyaqhaqhazela bafe ngihleli eduze kukaMalume
Ngisaba ukuthi uyalumana

Cela ukubuza….
Laba abaphatha ama iPhone, ayisebenziyini icamera yakhona ngaphandle kwesbuko

Understanding women is not a mystery.
When you’re wrong,
you apologize and when she’s wrong,
you apologize. Simple!

Never Mess Around With Ugly girls Bruh
They Are So Fertile,
Once You Kiss Her Boom!! She’s Pregnant