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“That pain woman feel during child birth,Is the same pain we feel when you tell us I love you as a friend

When you busy with foreplay and you start licking her face

and her eyebrows disappear

Whites: Can i please have the R50 i borrowed you last month!
Blacks: Usufuna lokhu ngilandelana nawe ngemali yam,kanti yini inkinga yakho?

Bare ” schools are still closed but someone
already missed her periods

[being robbed by a yellow boned guy with dimples]
“Yeyii voetsek wena gimme your phone and wallet”
Me : Ncooaw

I feel so sorry for women who get married to teachers..instead of finding money/coins in the pocket when washing their clothes.

They usually find chalk or list of Noise makers

Oban labantu ekukhulunywa ngabo

o Bachelor no Diploma no Hambofa

obani kanye kanye…?

Don’t be ashamed to be different.
Be proud that God made you like no one else.