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Anger moment are one of the moments which really can tell alot about us
Are our weakness revealer’s
Or let’s say our truth
We start screaming telling other names doing unbelievable things rushing to accuse closest persons for silly reasons who doesn’t worth
Hurting ,creating a wound inside thiere hearts
Those hearts who gave us love
Only in these moment we should take a break to think about things little more deeper
we re good at hurting the ones who love and appreciate us then start complaining about those who don’t give a damn about us
We re all bad somehow
We re all bad to our selves first
We bother looking for appreciation while we don’t appreciate what we have
We should be soorry for our selves first before seeking for it from others
So dear self and for all persons who cared about me and i didn’t really knew the value of it
Tnx and im so sorry i wish i could make it off for u
Love u ❤❤ im just bad at showing it

You invite a lady for a date and she brings her friend. Dont panic, devote all attention to her friend. She won’t repeat that nonsense in 2018

Air Commodore Vishal was a Jet Pilot. In a combat mission his fighter plane was destroyed by a missile. He however ejected himself and parachuted safely. He won acclaims and appreciations from many.

After five years one day he was sitting with his wife in a restaurant. A man from another table came to him and said “You’re Captain Vishal ! You flew jet fighters. You were shot down!”

“How in the world did you know that?” asked Vishal.

“I packed your parachute,” the man smiled and replied.
Vishal gasped in surprise and gratitude and thought if parachute hadn’t worked, I wouldn’t be here today.

Vishal couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about that man. He wondered how many times I might have seen him and not even said ‘Good morning, how are you?’ or anything because, he was a fighter pilot and that person was just a safety worker”

So friends, who is packing your parachute?
Everyone has someone who provides what they need to make it through the day.

We need many kinds of parachutes when our plane is shot down – we need the physical parachute, the mental parachute, the emotional parachute, the spiritual parachute & the Financial Parachute.We call on all these supports before reaching safety.Sometimes in the daily challenges that life gives us, we miss what is really important.

We may fail to say hello, please, or thank you, congratulate someone on something wonderful that has happened to them, give a compliment, or just do something nice for no reason.

As you go through this week, this month, this year, recognize the people who pack your parachute.

I just want to THANK Everyone who Packed my parachute this year in 2017 one way or the other – through your words, deeds, prayers. Cheers For 2018….

A cow gives milk to the whole village but it doesn’t shout. But when a hen lays one egg that can’t feed not even a kid, it shouts for the whole village to know that it has laid just a single egg.
So its so amazing how people who gave you very little assistance shout about it for years, while those who made significant contributions to your life rarely talk about it.
Live like a candle which burns itself but gives light to others.


Be Blessed

Blessed are those who finish their December salary in December, for they shall know the true meaning of endurance in January*

Before I get drunk
before the network jams
before I dance to the song of the year
and lose my phone ,
let me wish y’all a happy new year !

Ngithatha iskere ngisika i calendar
Inhloso yam ngfuna kuhlukanisa

Passenger: Sorry driver, malini iTaxi?
Senzo Mteshane:Angazi hamba uyobuza kwaToyota

If you’re the hottest girl ngakini, please note that the minute iTaxi ingena eTown konke lokho kuyaphela

Angeke ugolozise okwetheken
egqoke phenti elinembobo