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If a man is allowed to select a girl from a possible of 100 girls…
Even if he picks the most beautiful one, he will still feel the pain of losing the remaining 99.
It’s Genetic !!!

Dating a 200m kids

Him: Bbe Can I see u today
Her: Tsi Tsi tsi Jooooohn Ceeeeeena tsi tsi
Him: What that now????
Her: You cant see me!!

My doctor advise me today he said

“Eeeh Mr Sibiya u shld phuza beer so that uzobuyela emzimbeni wakho” Thanks doctor God Bless You

Some girls ahlulwa izitabane ngobuhle ebese ecath ungabanga indoda nestabane khohlwa “oe”

Usisi wakwa makhelwane be like “Sengingamane ngishiywe indoda kunokuba ngishiywe abangani beyophuza”

Love is the only thing that will save us, independent of any mistakes we may make. Love is always stronger

Nothing is more capable of troubling our reason, and consuming our health, than secret notions of jealousy in solitude

Yaz majita lento yokwenza ucansi umunt wesfazane abe ngaphezulu isingfake ehlazwen ..ryt now i’m pregnant!!

Teacher :Ubizwa ngani umunt oposter njalo ku facebook

Mdelwa: Umphostoli!!