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Liza kuthi gqwa gqwa ngeeCent ezimbalwa kwiBank Account eziliqela.
Ngenxa yalaa msinga weStationery neUniform kothanda ukufudumala phaya koShoprite nooSpar, lide linwenwele phaya koJet, koPep nakoWoolworths, ngenxa yamaxabiso.
Liza kukhuph’iintlanzi emanzini komatshonisa nakwiz’kopari, ligqatse emiqolweni ukuya kwiAA namanqina.
Linamaqhwa kwitarvern nakoSpur, ukuya koKFC, koMcDonald naphaya koFood Lovers. Uyacetyiswa mbukeli uzigulise uthi unesisu.
Kulindeleke ingqele kwiiWallet neeBra zomama, andisathethi ke ezibhankini liya kuqhaqhazelisa amazinyo zii-overdrafts.
Linomoya okhatshwa zibhotile zamanzi phaya kwiiFridge neekhabhati till next month.
Xesh’elimnandi !!!

Uma ubabazala emutsha kuWhatsapp uzabona
08:30 typing…
09:00 typing…
09:30 typing…
Wena ngaleso iskhathi suyethukile usuzibuza ukuth kanti lomfazi uhambe wayaceba yini kibo angathi ubabazala ubhala amagama anzima
Then ngo10:00 uzabona imessage ingena ” salubonani mokhenyan linjuna lemulu”

Sometimes kubukeka ngathi kungcono ukuzwa istress kunokuzwa ipain kanti ingcono ipain kunestress,
Inkinga istress sigijima nenqondo kanti ipain igijima nenyama emzimbeni.
Ungcono umuntu ozwa ipain kunomuntu obhekene nestress. If uya kwadokotela uyawathola amaphilisi epain but awekho okuqeda istress.
Kubuhlungu ukuba nestress kodwa kubuhlungu kakhulu ukupretenda sengathi awnaso istress kanti uhleli nabantu abakhululekile.
Istress sikwenza ungalali kungekhona ukuthi ucefezelwa izinja zakamakhelwane, sikwenze ungadli usuthe i-aphetyt kuphele ispeysi sokudla, sikugqokise izimpahla wawuzigqoka eminyakeni ewu 5 endlule.
Nazi engizithandayo ngalamadoda amabili uStress no Pain, bathi
Asibheki ukuthi uzalwa umabani, asibheki ubulili neminyaka, asibheki ukuthi uphuma ekhaya elinjani.
Ungasibukeli kude isimo somuntu mangabe singakabhekani nawe ngoba kusasa kungawe.
Istress sibambelele kumaproblems, ungagxili enkingeni oyibonayo ukuthi ngeke isalunga but let it go, lungisa okulungisekayo. Ayikho ipain eyophela ungazange wazithunuka, qale uthunukale ukuze uzosinda

China had invented a machine that catches thieves; they took it out to different countries for a test.
In US, in 30 minutes, it caught 20 thieves;
UK, in 30 minutes it caught 500 thieves;
Spain, in 20 minutes it caught 25 thieves;
Swaziland, in 10 minutes it caught 6,000 thieves;
Zimbabwe in 7 minutes it caught 20,000 thieves;
South Africa, in 5 minutes the machine was stolen.

Skebhe and his two friends attended a party and got themselves drunk……On there way home they chatted a cab(taxi).When they entered, they told the driver there destination..The driver noticing that they were drunk started his car and turned it off..He turned and told them that have arrived at their destination……they paid the taxi driver his money,, and he was happy that his plan worked… to his grtest surprise while Skebhe was coming down he gave him a sound slap….the driver thought that Skebhe knew what he did but decided to ask Skebhe why the slap and Skebhe answerd “you were too fast YOU ALMOST KILLED US“`

A South African teacher was sent to
China to
The first day he entered the class
and was Register roll
He called out name, “Sheng”, a
student stood up
and answered “present sir”.
He called the second name ” chung young”
, another
student answered “present sir”.
Suddenly he sneezed “hatchia”.
One student
at the corner stoop up and said,
“present sir”.
He surprisingly exclaimed,
mmmhh”. All the
students shouted “absent sir”.
At this moment, he got confused
and said,
“hhaai bo!!”. Three students
immediately stood up and
“which of us sir”.
The teacher became even more
confused and
asked, “what is wrong”??
A student stood up and
answered,” sir, I am not
wrong. I am called Wong ” Now
the teacher
could not help it but laughed
hahaha…… A girl stood up and
The tea

A Teacher (Mr Gumede) was teaching opposite
words and pointed to Tinklas to stand
up and answer some Questions.
Teacher:What is the opposite of
Teacher:You’re wrong!
Tinklas:You’re Right
Teacher:Shut up!
Tinklas:Keep talking
Teacher:Ok,now stop!
Tinklas:Ok,then carry on
Teacher:Get out of my class!
Tinklas:Come in my class
Teacher:Oh my God!
Tinklas:Oh my devil
Teacher:You have failed!
Tinklas:I have passed..
Did Tinklas Pass or Fail ?

No man succeeds without a good woman behind him.
Wife or Mother, if it’s both,
he is twice blessed.

Life is very short to argue and fight.
Count your blessings,
value your friends and
move on with your head held high
and a smile for everyone.

If 5 seconds of smile can make a
photograph more beautiful then just imagine,
if you keep always smiling,
how beautiful your life will be.