Sub Categories

Whites: ATM
Zulu’s: Mshini
Whites: Hair clipper
Zulu’s: Mshini
Whites: Washing machine
Zulu’s: Mshini
Whites: Pencil sharpener
Zulu’s: Mshini
Whites: A beautiful car
Zulu’s: Mshini
Whites: Jacob Zuma
Zulu’s: Mshini
Zulu’s :Mshini
Kante yini vele !

Block Your Moms Slap & Listen To Her
Telling The Whole Family
How You Tried To Kill Her

Who Is More Stupid…??
(1)•The one is watering the garden while its raining…?
(2)•The one who shinning shoes for an ID photo…?
(3)•The One who reduce a TV volume to read an SMS..?
(4)•The one who fix a pen with an ovaralls..?
(5)•The one who takes a lunch box while he is working at the next door..?
(6)•The one who sell the bicycle just to buy a pump..?
(7)•The one who do eye shopping with a trolley..?
Don’t forget to share…

Yesterday Morning A Man Was Raped
By A Group Of Beautiful Lady’s
While He Was Jogging At The Park,
This Morning 150 Man Was Found Jogging At Park..

My phone just fell down from the table,
so I’m checking if my Facebook friends are not injured…,
Are you okay guys?…..
Please reply me,because I’m worried. _
I care about you_*

1. When entering the house greet your children or even hug them. This should help develop their sense of love and self worth.
2. Be good to your neighbours and never backbite. Never speak ill of other drivers when on the road. Your children would listen, absorb and emulate.
3. When calling your parents, encourage your children to speak to them. When visiting your parents take your children with you. The more they see you take care of your parents the more they will learn to take care of you.
4. When driving them to school, don’t always play albums or cds in the car. Rather, tell them some motivational stories yourself. This will have a greater impact – trust me!
5. Read to them a short story and even a scripture a day – it doesn’t take much time, but very impactful in creating strong bonds and wonderful memories.
6. Comb your hair, clean your teeth and wear presentable cloths even if sitting at home and not going out for the day. They need to learn that being clean and tidy has nothing to do with going out!
7. Try not to blame or comment on every word or action they say or do. Learn to overlook and let go sometimes. This certainly builds their self-confidence.
8. Ask your children’s permission before entering their rooms. Don’t just knock and enter, but then wait for a verbal permission. They will learn to do the same when wanting to enter your room.
9. Apologize to your children if you made a mistake. Apologizing teaches them to be humble and polite.
10. Don’t be sarcastic or make fun of their views or feelings, even if you “didn’t mean it” and was “only joking”. It really hurts.
11. Show respect to your children’s privacy. Its important for their sense of value and self-esteem.
12. Don’t expect that they will listen or understand the first time. Don’t take it personal. But be patient and consistent.
13.Pray with them. Show them how to pray. Lead by example.
*Please share with other parents.*God bless you for your time

When you chase women you lose money, but when you chase money you will never lose beautiful women.
Be careful with your salary.
This is a gentle reminder.
December is the month where
girls will be more polite than customer care*
Be Wise and Smart, Guys

Medical Self Care Tips to all my friends who take alcohol this Xmas.
1. Symptom : Cold and humid feet.
Cause : Glass is being held at incorrect angle (You are pouring the Drink on your feet).
Cure : Manoeuver glass until open end is facing upward…
2. Symptom : The wall facing you is full of lights.
Cause : You’re lying on the floor.
Cure : Position your body at a 90-degree angle to the floor.
3. Symptom : The floor looks blurry.
Cause : you are looking through an empty glass.
Cure : Quickly refill your glass!
4. Symptom : The floor is moving.
Cause : You’re being dragged away.
Cure : At least ask where they’re taking you!
5. Symptom : You hear echoes every time someone speaks.
Cause : You have your glass on your ear and trying to drink from it
Cure : Stop making a fool of yourself, position your glass correctly
6. Symptom : Your wife and all your kids are looking funny.
Cause : You’re in the wrong house.
Cure : Ask if they can point you to your house.
7. Symptom : The room is shaking a lot, everyone is dressed in white and the music is very repetitive.
Cause : You’re in an ambulance.
Cure : Don’t move. Let the professionals do their job

I am writing to you in order to make someone understand that it’s good to appreciate our partners despite their flaws.
I am 32 years of age.
My ex husband and I dated for 6 years.
We where best of friends.
I waited until he completed college and started work.
My family and his family then met.
We got married and had a son. (7 years old now).
My husband was short tempered at times but our problems started when I wanted to make him feel he couldn’t control me.
Every time we argued, I would pack my bags, go to my family and explain.
My sisters would phone my husband and shout at him.
If he was controlling me I would always dare him that if he wished, he could divorce me.
I never wanted divorce.
I just had pride and I never wanted to look like a loose woman in his eyes.
One day I pushed him so hard that for the first time he beat me and locked me outside.
I went to my family, my family took him to the police, every time I looked like I was being abused!
But to be honest, I used to abuse my husband emotionally.
He was arrested and detained.
I was asked by his family to withdraw the case.
I felt that what I was doing was wrong.
My husband was never a violent man, he did what he did because I pushed him to the wall of which he openly knelt down and apologized.
I withdrew the charge, and we reconciled.
After three months, I packed my bags after a small issue and he remained alone.
After two days, I
received a call that he was in the hospital.
My family told me that I shouldn’t go there because it would look like I was begging him and my sisters believed he was feigning the illness.
All this time, people felt sorry for me like I was the one being abused.
He spent a week in the hospital, after he came out, I just received a divorce summon.
I wanted to say no to divorce, but because I felt this pride, I wanted him to change his mind and beg me.
I called him and said he would get the divorce because I lived like I was in hell.
When we went to court, I wanted to make him pay, so I told the court that I needed his properties to be shared.
To my surprise he openly told the court that whatever he and I acquired together should be given to me, all he wanted was divorce.
We were divorced in 2009 July.
Now, my husband is married, whilst l am here wasted!
My family members are gossiping about me.
I depend on what my ex husband gives to my son for survival.
I know I wasted my
I am here telling all wives that they should be careful how they get advise.
Don’t be cheated, don’t entertain family interference in your marriage my dear reader.
Even my young sisters are much more respected than me.
Those who encouraged me to get divorced are always teasing and bad mouthing me.
Please ladies, be vigilant in your marriage.
Thought it wise to share my story to save your marriage.
There is no benefit in pride for nothing.

You’ve Been Single From January till
November And As We Enter December You’ve
Found Love. Bro Don’t Accept It, The Devil
Wants To Play With Your Bank Account ☹☹☹☹
Trust me…