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A girl at a boarding school texts her father….
“Goodevening Dad,i hopes u is fine and the hoe familiy.
Dad, i want to remembers u that we will starting ezams nest week,so a school want u to paid the school fins all else i will not going to write the ezam.Your lavely dowter, God blast you”
Then the father replied:
“Good evening and hope u are fine as well. Please don’t even bother to write the exams coz u cant even pass, tomorrow i will send u transport money u come back home and become a witch doctor.
Infact, let God blast u, not me. Idiot!!”

Two Children Were Waiting In The Doctor’s Waiting Room.

The Little Girl Started Crying.

Little Boy Asked Her: “Why Are You Crying?”

The Girl Said: “I’m Here For Blood Test And The Doctor Is Going To Cut My Finger”

The Little Boy Too Started Crying.

Girl: “Now Why Are You Crying?”

Boy: “I’m Here For The Urine Test“

1. Newton’s Method – Allow The Tiger To Catch You & Catch The Tiger

2. Einstein’s Method – Chase The Tiger Until It Becomes Tired And Then Catch It.

3. Police Method – Catch A Cat & Beat It Until It Accepts Its A Tiger

What Is The Great Example Of Mixed Emotions

Your Greatest Enemy Falls From 8th Floor, On Your Brand New Car

And You Don’t Know Whether To Laugh Or To Cry

Just remember, when you think all is lost, the future remains.”
– Dr. Robert H. Goddard

Worrying is wasting energy on the things you can’t control. Leave everything in God’s hand. Think less, pray more

Dear god, if I am wrong, right me. If I am lost, guide me.
If I start to give up, keep me going.
Lead me in light and in love

The reason why we don’t trust people :
-We don’t know them.
-We know them.

People who let go of grudges understand the value of inner peace. There’s no reason to be bitter or angry
when you can just move on and be happy.

If a pregnant woman give birth to two babies, the first one comes out at 11:58pm 31st December 2016, and the second baby comes out at 12.05am of 1st January
QUESTION:1. Are they twins?
2.. Are they age mates?
3. Which year will they claim?
4 In which year will they celebrate their birthday?