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4 things you can’t recover in life:
• Words after they’re said.
• Moments after they’re missed.
• Actions after they’re done.
• Time after it’s gone.
So, choose to be careful of what you say, what you do, and what you let pass by… You may not be able to get it back.

Everything in life is temporary.
So when things are going wrong,
be patient and don’t worry.
Everything will change for the better.

When one door closes, another opens;
but we often look so long at the closed door
that we do not see the one which has opened for us.

A smile is the lighting system of the face,
the cooling system of the head
and the heating system of the heart..

My heart sets like the sun, only for you,
and my blood moves like the ocean waves
when I’m with you.

*Love Your*
*”Own Beautiful Wife”*
🔹Don’t shout at your
wife when you are
talking. It really
hurts her.
*Proverbs 15:1*
🔹Do not speak evil
of her to anyone.
Your wife will become
who you call her.
*Gen. 2:19*
🔹Do not share her love
or affection with another
It is called Adultery.
*Matt. 5:28*
🔹Never compare your
wife to another woman.
If the other woman was
good for you, God would
have given her to you.
*2 Cor. 10:12*
🔹Be gentle and
accommodating. She
has sacrificed so much
to be with you.
It hurts her deeply
when you are hash
and irritating.
Be tender.
*Eph. 4:2*
🔹Hide nothing from her.
You are now one and
she’s your helpmate.
Let there be no secret
you are keeping
from her.
*Gen. 2:25*
🔹Do not make negative
comment about her
body. She risked her
life and beauty to carry
your babies. She is a
living soul not just
flesh and blood.
*Proverbs 18:22*
🔹Do not let her body
determine her worth.
Cherish and appreciate
her even till old age.
*Eph. 5:29*
🔹Never shout at her
in the public and in
private. If you have
an issue to sort with
her, do it in the privacy
of your room.
*Matt. 1:19*
🔹Thank and appreciate
her for taking good
care of you, the kids
and the house. It is
a great sacrifice she
is making.
*1 Thesso. 5:18*
🔹All women cannot
cook the same way;
appreciate your
wife’s food.
It is not easy to cook
three meals a day,
365 days a year
for several years.
*Pro. 31:14*
🔹Never place your
siblings before her.
She is your wife.
She is one with you.
She must come
before your family.
*Gen. 2:24*
That’s the best thing
you can do for her.
*Eph. 5:26*
🔹Spend time with her
to do Bible study
and pray.
*James 5:16*
🔹Make time to play
with her and enjoy
her company.
Remember when you
are dead, she’s gonna
be by your grave but
your friends may be
too busy to attend
your funeral.
*Ecc. 9:9*
🔹Never use money
to manipulate or
control her. All your
money belongs to
her. She is a joint heir
with you of the
grace of God.
*1 Pet. 3:7*
🔹Do not expose her
weakness. You will be
exposing yourself too.
Be a shield around her.
*Eph. 5:30*
🔹Honour her parents
and be kind to her
*SOS. 8:2*
🔹Never cease to tell
her how much you
love her all the days
of her life. Women
are never tired of
hearing that.
*Eph. 5:25*
🔹Grow to be like Jesus.
That’s the only way
you can be a good
and godly husband.
*Rom. 8:29*

The worst feeling ever is acting that
you are fine while you are not at all

A year ago, I wasn’t who I am today. A year from now, I aspire to be even better. Personal growth takes time, but all great things do, so be patient.

Power of Silence:
A seed grows with no sound,
but a tree falls with huge noise…
Destruction has noise, but creation is quiet.
This is the power of silence.
“Grow Silently”

We can save many relations…
If we understand a simple fact,
that people are not wrong,
they are just different from our expectations.