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Actions speak louder than words.
So believe what you see and
forget what you heard.

If you can love the wrong person that much,
Imagine how much you can love the right one

Sleep is a Temporary Death &
Death is a Permanent Sleep.
Everyday is your birthday because every morning you are born after a Temporary Death.
So, always remember to be Grateful to GOD every morning for a New Life.

“Beauty is not long hair, skinny legs, tanned skin or perfect teeth. Believe me. Beauty is the face of who cried and now smiles, Beauty is the scar on your knee since you fell when you were a kid, beauty is the circles when love doesn’t let you sleep,
Beauty is the expression on the face when the alarm rings in the morning, it’s the laughter when you make a joke you’re the only one who can understand, it’s when you cry for all you paranoia’s,
Beauty is the lines marked by time.
Beauty is what we feel in the inside which also shows outside us. Beauty is the marks the life leaves on us, all the kicks and the caresses the memories leave us.
Beauty is letting yourself live.” -Emma Watson

Why are you knocking at every door ?
Go, knock at the door of your own heart.

You will never shine like a star,
if u havn’t seen darkness in ur life

To everyone going through any struggle or pain right now,
keep your head up, and keep on smiling,
you’ll get through it

f you find someone who makes you smile, who checks up on you often to see if you’re okay, who watches out for you and wants the very best for you. Don’t let them go. Keep them close and don’t take them for granted. People like that are hard to find.”

If you want to get over a problem, stop talking about it.
Your mind affects your mouth, and your mouth affects your mind.