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A lovely little girl was holding two apples with both
Her mum came in and softly asked her little daughter
with a smile:
My sweetie, could you give your mum one of your two
The girl looked up at her mum for some seconds, then
she suddenly took a quick bite on one apple, and then
quickly on the other.
The mum felt the smile on her face freeze. She tried
hard not to reveal her disappointment.
Then the little girl handed one of her bitten apples to
her mum,and said: mummy, here you are take This is the
sweeter one. I will take the tasteless one.
No matter who you are, how experienced you are, and
how knowledgeable you think you are, always delay
judgement. Give others the privilege to explain
themselves. What you see may not be the reality. Never
conclude for others.

Two mentally disturbed men decided that they have to attend school. So they collected old books and sat under a tree pretending that it was a school . The following day,one got there early and climbed a tree. As the other came and saw his friend on top of the tree he asked:what are you doing up there ? The friend replied : I’m in high school now

I can’t laugh alone πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚
A man and his wife were in court to have a Divorce.
The problem in contention was ….who should have the possession of the child.??
The man or the woman?
The woman jumped up and said… “My Lord, I am the mother of the child, I brought her into this world, with pain and labour…. alone”.
The judge then turned to the man and gave him the chance to defend himself and the man said ..
“My lord ..I have a question, ….when you insert your ATM card into the ATM machine and the money comes out does the money belong to you or the machine…..”?
οΏ½οΏ½πŸ™„Court adjourned.

Zimbabweans can now smile.
President Emmerson Mnangangwa has approved the bill to start payment for all unemployed Zimbabweans within the age of 18-55 years.
They will be paid an allowance of US$250 monthly starting from monday 14/06/2018. All university allowances of US$2000 has been granted to all university students.
To get such Jokes, sms jokes to 111.

Ladies, sorry to say this…
But if you looking for a perfect man to love you, you won’t find him because he was hung on the cross many years ago.
My advice to you is “Bamba lokho okuvukile”.

Ladies indoda inikezwa uthando qhaa.
Ofuna ikhekhe umbonise istove abhake.
Singaphelelwa osisi bethu.

uINNO no Ngidi bahleli ebhasini. Kuthe kusenjalo
kwangena indoda enempandla ecwebezelayo.
Bahleka base babhansane onkabi baze basho bathi,
“Isibuko sezinyoni phela lesi!”
Athi uINNO,
“Uyazi Ngidi mina ngingayishaya leyandoda ngempama empandleni yayo
kuze kube kathathu maqeda ingangenzi lutho!”
(Aphike uNgidi athi angeke. Athi uINNO asibheje R100! Babheje)
Asukume uINNO aqonde kulendoda afike ayishaye kakhulu ekhanda bese ethi,
“Wena Spambo ulana kanti? Kunini sikufuna Lwabishi!”
Iphendule lendoda ithi,
“Angiyena uSpambo mina mfethu! Futhi angimazi nakumazi.”
Ayiphinde uINNO ayishaye kuthi Phaxa ekhanda layo bese ethi,
“Amanga wena Spambo maaan! Usuyaziphika doti?”
Idinwe lendoda igcine ikhetha ukuyohlala emuva, iyabona
ukuthi lomuntu uyayifanisa.
Ahleke uINNO bese ethi,
“Ngidi, sengiyoyishaya okokugcina manje leyampandla!”
Ashone khona uINNO afike ayishaye kakhulu ngempama
ekhanda bese ethi,
“Kanti wena Spambo ulana! Yazi sengize ngashaya
umuntu ngimfanisa nawe lapha phambili Lwabishi!!!”

Hold me tighter, Kiss me longer,
Love me harder and I’ll be yours forever.

I don’t need a burning sun and a
cooling moon to show me my way.
Just want you to hold me whenever I tumble.

I want to hold your hands,
look in your eyes and enjoy everything
that you want to say to me.