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success is simple. Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time

You know you are the best when
people you don’t know hate you.

I don’t trust easily. So when I say I trust you,
Don’t make me regret it.

Relationships are like computer games.
It ends fast when cheats exist.

Your life is a result of the choices you make.
If you don’t like your life,
it is time to start making better choices.

Love is so strange. Sometimes it become reason to live life & sometimes it becomes reason to leave life.

Real Life Story

When a man has a good car it attracts more ladies to him. When a lady has a good car it repels guys away from her. .A teenage boy impregnates his teenage girlfriend. The girl drops out of school, the boy continues his education. .A guy catches his girlfriend with another guy, he fights his girlfriend. A lady catches her guy with another lady, she fights the other lady. .The older a man becomes, the higher the number of ladies available for him. The older a lady becomes the fewer the number of guys available for her. .A 76 year old man can still marry a 26 year old lady. A 36 year old lady is tagged too old to get married. .A man divorces his wife today and the next day he is dating other ladies. Six months later he is married. While the divorced woman is labeled a divorcee and remains single six years later. . A man looses his wife to death and remarries a year after, he did the right thing, he’s being praised and congratulated for moving on, after all life is for the living. A woman looses her husband to death and remarries after 4yrs, “aaah! so early? Are u sure she wasn’t sleeping with that man even when her husband was alive? That was why she killed her husband. .A married man is caught in bed with another woman, his wife is asked to forgive him and move on. A married woman is caught in bed with another man, the husband asks her to leave his house. .A man gets transferred by his company to another state, the entire family relocates with him. The woman gets transferred to another state, she goes alone or resigns from the job. .‎If a man rises to be the CEO of the company, he got there by hard work and determination. If a woman rises to be the CEO of the company, even if the staff are only women, she is suspected to get there by sleeping with the Board members. .