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One day a wife tested the husband n write a letter says “honey I m gone sorry for wasting your tym go on with your life “,she put the letter on a table n hide under the bed .The husband comeback from work he read that …after he pretend as if he’s calling sum1” hi sweetie that stupid woman she gone for gud now let’s meet up on the bus stop to celebrate “he drop n take pen to write again on that letter and go out ,she come out under the bed ,she take that letter 2 see what did the husband wrote n she was angry she read…” Hey u stupid woman cum out …what r u doing under the bed I saw ur legs,I m out 2 buy bread make faster n cook for m don’t play lyk a child “

Uyangena esontweni sekusele indawo eyodwa eduze ne X yakho, ivele iqale iculo ithi *”usathane akanandawo”*

Yaze yasebenza ke lockdown nokumiswa kokudayiswa kotshwala, uyaz umuntu useke ahlale nesamba semali elinganiselwa ku R20 wonke nje kungabi ndaba zalutho

Nkisi ngicela ungisize ungincishe impakamo njengoba sengizohola isamba sika R350 wonke