One of the saddest mistake a Christian can make is that of failing to attend the assemblies of the church. How can one ever hope to be faithful to the Lord if he does not respect him enough to meet with the other brethren for worship? The point is, he cannot be faithful under such conditions.

On the other hand, they can go on with what they want to do, they can go to their work regardless of the distance, and so on.

Some of those who fail to attend usually come up with this remark: But I have my prayers at home. That would be fine if that was all the Lord required.

However, he has specifically asked that his people assemble on the first day of the week. In doing so, they are nt only to pray, but study, sing, partake of the Lord’s Supper, and give of their means.

Now to those who try to worship by themselves at home, to whom do they give their contribution? What abt the Lord’s Supper? No, I am sure that most of these individuals never get any further than prayer in their worship to the Lord, if they get that far. But they need to be taught that there is more to worship than simply praying to God.

It is true that there are times when Christians may be providentially hindered, such as being sick, and other things that would make it impossible for them to attend worship service.

In this case, one doesn’t have to offer an excuse for nt being present bt rather have a reason. Furthermore, the Lord will accept a reason for one’s absence, but he will nt accept an excuse.

Happy Father’s Day to all daddies out there who takes care of their kidsπŸ’• and happy Youth day. πŸ‘€πŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’–

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