Girl : Serious I can’t take it anymore.
Boy : Babe I’m sorry I didn’t mean to
hurt you.
Girl : It too much now.
Boy : Babe It was a Mistake serious
Girl : Mistakes did you just say
Boy : Yes babee and It won’t happen
again I swear.
Girl : We all make mistakes and we
learn from them.
Boy : Babe please forgive me, I Lost it and I admit it.
Girl : You always cheating.
Boy : Babee please forgive me! I’m
Girl : Nope I have forgiven you so
many time, But not this time.
Boy : Oh so that it! You gonna dump
me just like that?
Girl : Am not dumping you I’m just
giving you and your new Girlfriend a
chance to do as you please, without
me having to interfere!
Boy : Babee It not what you think.
Girl : Arg you know what! Forget it I
must go.
Boy : Babe please don’t go I Love you.
Girl : Whatever
Boy : Just Like that babe.
Girl : Yeap Goodbye.
Boy : Babe.
Girl : *Silence*
What I’m trying to say is. When a girl
give up, It doesn’t mean she don’t
Love you It because she’s tired of
getting hurt.
And I’m sure a girl reading this right
now agrees with me.

share if you agree

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