It all started in the 9th grade. It was the first day of school, I transferred schools. I didn’t know anyone at the new school. So I made 2 new friends on the first day of school. I was walking in the hall , when I bumped into this guy. He was tall,dark skin, nice asss smile, and a very beautiful voice. Words can’t even explain how handsome this dude was. As the school year went on , I just used to see him in the hallways. Than one day out of the blue,he told one of my friend that he likes me. Omg bruh the butterflies started running through every vein in my body. It was on a Friday , when he came up to me & asked for a hug. I was shooookkk. So I gave him a hug & we exchanged snapchats & everything. As time went on we became so close. I felt like this was going to be a forever thing. But don’t get ahead of yourself because before you know it, it’s over with. I was so in love with him that I didn’t want it to be over. But…

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