Kilms was once robbed by armed robbers, the bag πŸ’Ό which he was holding was taken by them. After the robbers had left, he was just laughing while he was on his way back home. Senzo saw him laughing, thinking he was mad. He asked him:
SENZO: Why are you laughing? What’s funny? πŸ˜’
KILMS: I was robbed by armed robbers 😁
SENZO: Is that why you are laughing? 😏
KILMS: Not just that, they took my bag πŸ˜…
SENZO: But that’s not funny bro πŸ˜‘
KILMS: I’m laughing because the bag which I was holding is containing fresh “Shit” πŸ’© of mine which I wanted to go and throw away, so I guess they helped me πŸ˜‚

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