A morning.
Mom: you can wake me up with your father and early in the morning.
Domeng is easy to climb.
DOMENG:tay, is now awake, mom says you’re still early in it.
Dad: tell your mom. I don’t want to enter! Is dropped.
Domeng: Mom, she doesn’t want to go to father.
Mom: (angry) tell you your damuho dad. Get up and he will be in.
Patakbong climbed is.
Domeng: Tay. Mom is angry. Please come in.
Dad: I will not enter! Don’t be naughty and you might taste! Domeng dropped again.
Domeng: don’t really like mom.
Mom: make it a way. Enter your father when that is not in classes,
You don’t have dota!
Domeng: Mom, nothing ganyanan. Dad doesn’t really like it.
Mom: ah take care of you. I am still hoping for 10 hours.
Domeng: WTF!? Just like lightning to climb the room climb.
Maya more, with a strong thump and crying to go down is hsbang
Holding the flushed cheeks.
Mom: oh?! Napano ka?
Domeng: Father hit me. (dropped dad, angry angry. )
Father: where is that fucking child.
Mom: Hey! You Batugan! Why did you hurt is? Father: how does it hurt!
I’m dinuraan in the head. Twice more.
Mom: is it true domeng? You Dinuraan your father?
Domeng: (crying) yes, I heard because you last night, you said dad.
” you’re duraan because of the head, don’t want to come in.” then you said.
” Duraan again when I really don’t. So I dinuraan with the head dad should be three
Times. A while ago, I don’t want to enter.. huhuhu. Mom is my dota?
Mom: this child is still a snack there

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