Sex on the Sabbath*

A man wonders if having *sex* on the *Sabbath* is a sin b’cos he is not sure if sex is *work* or *play.* So he goes to a *priest* & asks for his opinion on this question. After consulting the *Bible,* the *priest* says, “My son, after an exhaustive search, I am positive that *sex* is *work* & is therefore not permitted on *Sabbath.”*

The man thinks: “What does a *priest* know about *sex?”* So he goes to a *minister* who, after all, is a married man & experienced in this matter. He queries the *minister* & receives the same reply. *Sex* is *work* & therefore not for the *Sabbath!*

Not pleased with the reply, he seeks out a *Rabbi,* a man of thousands of years tradition & knowledge. The *Rabbi* ponders the question, then states, “My son, *sex* is definitely *play.”*

The man replies, *”Rabbi,* how can u be so sure when so many others tell me *sex* is *work?”*

The *Rabbi* softly speaks, “My son, if *sex* were *work,* *wives* would definitely make their *maids* do it for them.

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